marriage, family La Toya Carter marriage, family La Toya Carter

Is Couples Therapy Good or Bad

I’ll follow you to the ends of the Earth; as long as it doesn’t lead to therapy. ~folks who won’t read this, but should

Is couples therapy a good idea? As a therapist I will always say yes lol.  The politically correct answer is that therapy is a personal choice and every situation is different. The short answer is, yes. 

I absolutely understand the hesitance when it comes to the idea of therapy. There are so many preconceived notions, mostly surrounding the stigma of mental health, that prevents people (especially couples), from seeking the help they desperately need. Also therapy is really getting emotionally naked in front of a complete stranger. I get it. It is a lot to manage.

The fact of the matter is you don’t have to be in a romantic relationship to benefit from therapy. We are all engaging in different types of relationships that are not romantic, but may also be strained.  So many of us are in toxic work environments, difficult family dynamics and complicated friendships. 

We seek advice from anyone who we believe can give us a lifeline; that little bit of advice to help us get through the holidays with our in-laws or dinner with our best friend’s annoying spouse, but when it comes to navigating our own romantic relationships, seeking therapy is a non-starter.

Couples usually find themselves in my office when the relationship is all but over. I cannot tell you the amount of times I have been thinking if they had come sooner we could have saved this. Usually though, one or both parties feel like they are out of options and come to me as a last resort. By the time they reach me, they are already drowning in years of pain, often being sucked in by a lifetime of unchecked trauma. Most couples don’t realize that couples counseling can be part of ensuring that the relationship remains successful. It doesn’t have to be, nor should it be the last stop on the road to divorce. In my opinion, it should be the first stop once a couple has decided to make their union (whatever that looks like) official.   

Therapy is a place for self-discovery and along that journey, you will pick up tools that are necessary to better navigate the journey you are on. What happens when your partner  requires a different set of tools that you don’t have…yet. Do you search for the tool or do you decide that you are content with what you have and find someone who doesn’t require so many tools? Perhaps you both have the same set and are calling them by different names not realizing you already have everything you need to build and maintain a successful relationship.

As you build the life you want, your requirements and expectations will change. Change is almost always acceptable in any other part of our life other than relationship requirements. We change our employment positions. We may stay with the same company, but we expect upward mobility with a pay raise at the very least. We upgrade our vehicles, homes, and clothes yet somehow, changing relationship dynamics and requirements are seen as an affront and in extreme cases a deal breaker.

Couples therapy is a way to navigate through the inevitable changes that people experience while engaging in relationship. The fact is people will grow. The misconception is that they will grow together. When the reality is without intentionality they often grow apart. Couples therapy can help to identify the places where couples are growing apart and offer tools to course correct. Therapy can really be preventative if we just allow it to be.

If you decide to give couples therapy a try, keep in mind it isn’t a one size fits all. You may need to shop around to find the right fit for both parties. 

Remember, you are the expert in your own life. I wish you well on your journey.

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lifestyle, Mental Health La Toya Carter lifestyle, Mental Health La Toya Carter

4 Ways to Protect Your Mental Health While Dating

Starting a new relationship is exhilarating and nerve-wracking. The thrill of romance, spending time with the person you feel deeply for, is immensely satisfying. On the other hand, the foundation for this relationship is still in its formative stages. As you all are navigating relationship life, you must not forget about yourself in the process.

Prioritizing your mental health during this period is essential. The whirlwind of emotions can become a trap in a budding relationship if you cannot develop healthy ways to manage your thoughts and the relationship. Here are tips to guard your mental well-being while dating,

Manage Your Expectations

Every person you meet is not your life partner. You have to know that going in. The storybook love at first sight thing is RARE! Approach your dating rationally and to a point logically as well. It is easy to daydream and build castles in the air about your new relationship. I have done this too, and this is part of the problem. More often than not, we fall in love with the idea we have fabricated in our minds when that may not be the reality we are living in. Get to know the person first while keeping your options open. Make decisions beyond their perfect smile and the fantasy in your mind. 

Have Fun

Life is hard, if being with this person is easy enjoy it. Embrace the feeling of like/love - the butterflies in your stomach and warm fuzzy feelings. Stare, hold hands, and talk about nothing. When you are happy with someone your brain releases Oxytocin, the love hormone.

Avoid Personalizing Rejection

Rejection is a part of dating and a normal part of living. if you are not ready to accept that now may not be the time to date. You will not be perfect for everyone and everyone will not be perfect for you and I promise that is ok. Also, keep in mind I’m not saying rejection will be easy I am saying while it does suck it serves a purpose. It frees you from what does not belong to you so that there is more space for what is aligned with you to enter your life. Avoid personalizing rejection. Or creating a narrative that the rejection says something about you as a person when it means you were just not compatible. 

Remain Logical

Oxytocin regulates trust levels, empathy, positive communication, and bonding cues. Thus, your biases toward your love interest increase because of this hormone's influence. Oxytocin lasts for about six months before you can become rational about your interest. Avoid making permanent decisions during this period. You may make a mistake when you rush into things. Make sure you are staying grounded in reality. Take your new partner to meet you, friends. Let them interact with your love interest. They are not in love. Therefore, their perception may be more rational. Furthermore, avoid making decisions out of desperation. You have a lifetime to find love. Do not be in such a hurry that you take the scraps when waiting could get you the whole meal.

A few final things to remember while dating:

  1. Remember to think do I like this person instead of focusing on if they like you.

  2. Actions over words because people can and will say anything.

  3. Do not enter the relationship based on potential. Enter the relationship based on the facts of the present.

Make good choices and protect your peace and mental health at all costs.

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lifestyle, Mental Health, wellness La Toya Carter lifestyle, Mental Health, wellness La Toya Carter

What About Your Friends... Importance of Adult Friendships and Your Mental Health

What about friends!!!! If you do not know that song we need to rethink our friendship. LOL, I am only kidding. I did use to love that song though.

I was thinking the other day- there is not enough talk about how your friends/ tribe/ community/ or whatever you decide to call them have such a critical role in your mental health. Friends play a significant role in sustaining mental health, which we need to discuss. It is quality over quantity because a toxic friendship can have the reverse effect on your mental health.

A social network has plenty of benefits, provided there are healthy bonds and genuine intentions. Developing strong, healthy connections requires work and, more importantly, time (which we as adults tend to not have a lot of). Nevertheless, the advantages are well worth the work. 

Here are some reasons you should foster healthy ties with people.

A Sense of Belonging

Feeling like you are a part of a group fulfills a crucial emotional need. It is significant for developing resilience in challenging situations and healthy emotional regulation. It gives you a reason to hold on to something or to work through the stress.

Research shows that a sense of belonging can diminish the severity of depressive symptoms and suicide risk. The study also indicates that the perception, not actual inclusion is beneficial. It reduces feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness because you feel like you belong. 

Social Support

Support from friends and loved ones is essential in creating, maintaining, and promoting health. Perceived and actual support help with coping, distress, adaptability, and endurance. Friends listen to you and think about it, often we just like to be heard. It is not that we need a solution just a place to vent and be validated in our concerns. A problem shared is already half-solved. They also acknowledge and validate your emotions, helping with introspection instead of internalization. 

A friend is a source of encouragement - they will speak the truth with grace (hopefully) and help point you in the right direction. They cheer you on when you make strides and hold you through the fears, skepticism, and fights. Knowing you can rely on them makes the burden a little less heavy. 


Sometimes we need to be checked! Admit it, you can try just like I do. In those moments when we find ourselves going around the same mountain, we need friends who will call us out. A nice reminder that you still haven’t been to the gym made the appointment, or taken your son to the zoo goes a long way.

Positive friendships steer you toward positive coping mechanisms. A friend will encourage you to talk through your issues instead of bottling them in or avoiding them. They also keep you in check when your thoughts and feelings steer you toward self-destructive behavior. Even when you give in to despair, they are always there to reason out with you and help you challenge your negative thinking pattern. 

Friends Boost Your Self-Esteem 

A good friend is a cheerleader. Hearing an “ok sis… I see you girl” goes a long way. They strengthen your core, make you flaunt your strengths, and work on your weakness in a safe environment. They are not there to judge, scorn, or degrade. They uplift you and take pride in your association - this does wonder for your confidence. 

Friends Make You Happier

Hanging out with a loved one activates a part of the brain known as the reward pathway. The circuit releases feelings of pleasure, happiness, and peace. It also inhibits the stress response, otherwise known as anxiety.  Research shows that seeing a loved one is enough to release these feel-good chemicals in your brain. It also boosts the hormones that mediate over rest and sleep. 

Friendships Help You Thrive Financially

As the person who has been the “send me pictures because I cannot go friend”- I will admit seeing how my friends lived was a nice size motivator to do better. Financial stability is a significant stressor in today's world. It is among the leading causes of abuse in relationships because it leads to codependence. Trustworthy friendships tend to develop plans and strategies to enhance each other's success. Real friends buy your product or at least share it with others. They will edit your book for free so others will want to read it or sit in the front row as you perform even when it cuts into sleep time. In a circle of friends, even the least wealthy is doing better than a loner. Friends share ideas and opportunities. There is also a foundation of encouragement, kindness, and support when people in the fold try new ventures. 

Adult friends become your family. When people move far away it is their friends that celebrate the wins with them. Why do you think Friendsgiving is such a thing? So again I ask you “what about your friends!!!”

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lifestyle, Mental Health La Toya Carter lifestyle, Mental Health La Toya Carter

The Importance of Protecting Your Peace

protect your peace

“I am protecting my peace.” How many times have you heard or even said this lately? It seems peace is a hot topic (and I agree it should be) but what does it actually mean? For me, peace seems to be one of the things that mean something different for every person. I also think people have a one -dimensional ideal of peace when really peace involves your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. 

As individuals, we at times take the protection of our peace for granted. We tend to leave it until the last minute, not thinking it is essential, but in all honesty, your peace is the key to leading a healthy and goal-fulfilled lifestyle. 

Often, when the necessary steps are not taken to protect one’ s peace, there is a breakdown in self-value, and as a result, personal boundaries are not set, which filters into how you relate to yourself. 

Let’s spend some time discussing peace, how to protect it and why it is important. 

What does it mean to have Inner Peace? 

Having inner peace from a general perspective means assuming a state of calmness regardless of the varying factors that may seek to derail it. Peace is genuine happiness that is bound up in personal and deliberate effort instead of the approval of others.  When you are in a state of peace, you are content. Peace is that milestone that, even in the presence of difficulties, remains constant and always hopeful by finding the light in every situation. 

I think it is important to pause here and ask yourself for your own personal definition of peace. What does it mean to you? For me, it is the moments of stillness to breathe and be. Which with my job and family can be difficult to get to if I am not intentional.

The Importance of Finding and Focusing on Peace in Your Life

When you spend the time to focus on achieving peace in your life, you learn to build a more significant relationship with yourself and how you respond to things in your life. Some other great benefits of prioritizing peace in your life include: 

  • Reduced stress levels

  • The ability to become more compassionate

  • Your response to negativity is different

  • Improved quality of sleep

  • Learn how to manage your emotions

Finding your Peace

But how do you get there? How are you able to decide what is your peace or how to even find it? Try some of the activities on the list below.

  • Journaling

  • Meditation

  • Nature walks

  • Deep Breathing

  • Scheduling breaks

  • Learning about yourself

  • Let go of the past

  • Love yourself

  • Let go of being judgmental


How to Protect Your Peace 

Protecting your peace is important s that you can stay emotionally regulated and in a place where you feel like your best self. The following is a list of ways to make sure you are able to protect your peace.

  • Make time for self-care

  • Forgive quickly

  • Practice being grateful

  • Prioritize alone time

  • Worry less

  • Learn to accept the things you cant control

  • Do what makes you happy

  • Avoid uncomfortable situations

  • Respect yourself and others

  • Learn your triggers

  • Believe more than you fear

  • Harbor only positive thoughts

  • Treat yourself kindly

There are so many things that happen in the world and in our lives that are outside of our control. How we take care of ourselves and how we prioritize our peace is well within our control. I encourage you to do something daily that puts you in a place of peace. How do you protect your peace?

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lifestyle, productivity La Toya Carter lifestyle, productivity La Toya Carter

4 Ways to Recognize and Combat Toxic Productivity

Recently I was on a bad rollercoaster. It seemed like no matter how early I woke up or how late I  went to bed I was never fully satisfied with the number of things I had done for the day. Spoiler alert I do ALOT. I have a family, friends, and a  business, and I am always trying to create helpful content. There is a lot going on. All the experts say wake up earlier to have that first hour to yourself and I did that. Stay up later and clean (again I have children so cleaning is a constant) and set the tone for the next day, I did that. Even though things were being done I still felt behind and it started to impact my worth on some level. It was literally never enough. The list was always growing. The need to feel productive and accomplished had really gotten out of hand. Then it hit me. I had fallen victim to toxic productivity.

Toxic productivity is the tendency to overdo things in an effort to reach a state of satisfaction that is never really attained. The odd part is it usually looks like the person has it together.  It can be easily mistaken for industriousness or extreme diligence, but it often works against the doer without their consciousness. Because the person is always looking to achieve the next thing and there is literally always the next thing. I also think a lot of us have been conditioned to achieve so it can be hard to recognize toxic productivity.

How to Recognize It

Some of the ways to recognize toxic productivity are through your attitude towards things. If you notice that you are never satisfied with what you have done, even if it meets your day’s to-dos, it could be an indication of toxic productivity. Toxic productivity prioritizes your uncontrolled urge for productivity over your well-being. You just keep on working endlessly without paying attention to your body’s need to rest. While most noticeably in your body your mental health is also impacted because you are never content with whatever you have done. Here are a few other signs to look out for:

Tendency to Work Overtime

You will find yourself developing a culture of working overtime even when it is not necessary or mandated. The things you have been able to accomplish in a day do not feel enough and you constantly want to do more than the average tasks to feel like you have done something significant.

Feelings of guilt when things are left undone

Your response to undone tasks is rather extreme compared to how the average person would react. There is a constant fear of appearing incompetent when a task is undone even when you are ahead of the original schedule. Guilt for the undone tasks is what leads to working overtime. 

Ignoring Self-care

It is common to ignore the cues to take care of your body. You may be feeling very tired but your desire to do all the things makes you ignore the physical cues of being tired and needing rest. 

Anxiety or Depression

Oftentimes, it is difficult to realize how much stress and pressure you are putting on yourself through toxic productivity. While most people are stressed by the expectations placed on them by others to perform, you are your own cause of stress. You rarely appreciate your achievements and instead, focus on what you have not done. The pessimistic approach to life may result in constant anxiety or depression. 

Eventual Fatigue and Burnout

As much as you are feeling overly ambitious most of the time, it gets to a point where the body gives in and you are too tired to continue with the habit. 

How to Combat It

So knowing all of this great but what do you do to combat it? I took a vacation. I understand from a financial place and just the obligations of life this is not always possible. However, if you can I really encourage you to take an extended break from things. The weekend just is not enough. Try a few of the following.

Recognize Your Self Worth is not Just in Your Work

I added this one first because it will more than likely be the hardest. It is going to require you to rewire your brain. You have to remember that you are more than your work. Wo you are is not where you go to work every day. Spend time doing things that are not related to work, or even money. You do not have to monetize every hobby you have.

Add Breaks

As you consider cutting down on this habit, a good place to start is to add frequent breaks so you aren’t overexerting yourself for long periods. Literally, block your calendar and take breaks, get a sip of water, and walk away from the screen (or other workplaces as you can).

Celebrate the small wins

As difficult as it may seem for you, set reasonable goals to attain so you train your mind to appreciate the little milestones you achieve. Everything you do is an accomplishment. Some are bigger than others but it is a win no matter what. Learn to celebrate the small wins along the way so you are reminded of what you have accomplished. 

Set Boundaries

Resist the urge to touch on the next day’s goals even if you are idle for the remainder of your day. Go do something else. 

Find Time Off

Finally, take time off your usual routines and do relaxing things like going on a vacation every now and then. 

One bonus I can add to this is to create a short and recent brag list. Write 3-5 of the most recent accomplishments on a post-it note and leave it near your mirror, workstation, dresser, or wherever you will see it often as a reminder that you are doing more and better than you are giving yourself credit for. It is also important to remember every day your level best is different so do not compare what you accomplished yesterday to today because your capacity may be different.

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