What About Your Friends... Importance of Adult Friendships and Your Mental Health

What about friends!!!! If you do not know that song we need to rethink our friendship. LOL, I am only kidding. I did use to love that song though.

I was thinking the other day- there is not enough talk about how your friends/ tribe/ community/ or whatever you decide to call them have such a critical role in your mental health. Friends play a significant role in sustaining mental health, which we need to discuss. It is quality over quantity because a toxic friendship can have the reverse effect on your mental health.

A social network has plenty of benefits, provided there are healthy bonds and genuine intentions. Developing strong, healthy connections requires work and, more importantly, time (which we as adults tend to not have a lot of). Nevertheless, the advantages are well worth the work. 

Here are some reasons you should foster healthy ties with people.

A Sense of Belonging

Feeling like you are a part of a group fulfills a crucial emotional need. It is significant for developing resilience in challenging situations and healthy emotional regulation. It gives you a reason to hold on to something or to work through the stress.

Research shows that a sense of belonging can diminish the severity of depressive symptoms and suicide risk. The study also indicates that the perception, not actual inclusion is beneficial. It reduces feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness because you feel like you belong. 

Social Support

Support from friends and loved ones is essential in creating, maintaining, and promoting health. Perceived and actual support help with coping, distress, adaptability, and endurance. Friends listen to you and think about it, often we just like to be heard. It is not that we need a solution just a place to vent and be validated in our concerns. A problem shared is already half-solved. They also acknowledge and validate your emotions, helping with introspection instead of internalization. 

A friend is a source of encouragement - they will speak the truth with grace (hopefully) and help point you in the right direction. They cheer you on when you make strides and hold you through the fears, skepticism, and fights. Knowing you can rely on them makes the burden a little less heavy. 


Sometimes we need to be checked! Admit it, you can try just like I do. In those moments when we find ourselves going around the same mountain, we need friends who will call us out. A nice reminder that you still haven’t been to the gym made the appointment, or taken your son to the zoo goes a long way.

Positive friendships steer you toward positive coping mechanisms. A friend will encourage you to talk through your issues instead of bottling them in or avoiding them. They also keep you in check when your thoughts and feelings steer you toward self-destructive behavior. Even when you give in to despair, they are always there to reason out with you and help you challenge your negative thinking pattern. 

Friends Boost Your Self-Esteem 

A good friend is a cheerleader. Hearing an “ok sis… I see you girl” goes a long way. They strengthen your core, make you flaunt your strengths, and work on your weakness in a safe environment. They are not there to judge, scorn, or degrade. They uplift you and take pride in your association - this does wonder for your confidence. 

Friends Make You Happier

Hanging out with a loved one activates a part of the brain known as the reward pathway. The circuit releases feelings of pleasure, happiness, and peace. It also inhibits the stress response, otherwise known as anxiety.  Research shows that seeing a loved one is enough to release these feel-good chemicals in your brain. It also boosts the hormones that mediate over rest and sleep. 

Friendships Help You Thrive Financially

As the person who has been the “send me pictures because I cannot go friend”- I will admit seeing how my friends lived was a nice size motivator to do better. Financial stability is a significant stressor in today's world. It is among the leading causes of abuse in relationships because it leads to codependence. Trustworthy friendships tend to develop plans and strategies to enhance each other's success. Real friends buy your product or at least share it with others. They will edit your book for free so others will want to read it or sit in the front row as you perform even when it cuts into sleep time. In a circle of friends, even the least wealthy is doing better than a loner. Friends share ideas and opportunities. There is also a foundation of encouragement, kindness, and support when people in the fold try new ventures. 

Adult friends become your family. When people move far away it is their friends that celebrate the wins with them. Why do you think Friendsgiving is such a thing? So again I ask you “what about your friends!!!”


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